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Born to an Air Force Master Sergeant father and an Army Lieutenant mother, Allen Griffin has known tough love and strict discipline. Growing up in the inner-city and experiencing the temptations to give in to mediocrity, Allen did not just survive, he thrived. Graduating High School an honor student and University on the Dean's list, Allen is most proud of his academia, although he excelled on the field of sport as well. A two-time All-American Basketball Player for Southeastern University, Allen was also named the Pete Maravich player of the year for outstanding leadership and team dedication during successful seasons with his alma mater. Allen has a Master's Degree in Leadership from SEU.

Upon graduation from University, Allen worked with suburban and urban youth programs in Dallas by equipping students with skills and training to provide brighter futures for tomorrow's leaders.

He has also established inner city community centers in Detroit, Norfolk, Charlotte, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles and Houston.

It was during this time that Allen met and married Hashmareen, an International runway model. Together, Allen and Hashmareen promoted a message of true love and abstinence education as they can testify to waiting for the "Right Time" for the gift of sexuality.

Allen Griffin has become one of the most sought after and requested motivational speakers as his sessions are able to cross all racial, socio-economic, and national borders. Since 1994 Allen Griffin has been heard in over 31 nations and five continents.

The messages of "Choices" and "Peer Pressure" challenge students to create peer group that uplift and compete for-not against one another but for the cause of greatness.

"True Love, the Drug of Choice" is a testament to the power of positive and life-enriching relationships. Allen Griffin will help your students to succeed and not merely settle for mediocrity.

Allen and Hashmareen Griffin currently reside in Daytona Beach, FL where their motivational network, AG Motivation Inc., is based.